Hi there!
I'm keeping this blog to share my design work and process for the Fall Production of Into the Woods at The Park School where I teach in the Visual Art Department.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

act two!

I should probably have posted these!

Three Houses
Act Two is very much like Act One- however the woods get deeper, and more menacing, and our charecters get into much more trouble. In other ways much is still the same. We begin with three houses (although they have more stuff) and then see the woods which changes according to the time of day.

The Woods Late Afternoon
In order to make them feel a little deeper the second act will feature hanging vines and be slightly darker. Having met with John, Peter, Eli, and Josh earlier today this seems possible. As does the shadow puppetry.

The Woods, Midnight with fallen giant.

Those aren't dark purple hills behind the trees- that's the fallen giant and tower at the end of the show. We're going to need a puppeteer!