Hi there!
I'm keeping this blog to share my design work and process for the Fall Production of Into the Woods at The Park School where I teach in the Visual Art Department.

Monday, August 23, 2010

studio update august 23

Alrighty. Just looked through all my notes from my last meeting with Peter and Pam. School starts in just over a week and I'm back in the saddle. I better be I meet tomorrow with Eli and Josh and will hopefully get to chat with John Trout.

When I wrote about my last meeting I mentioned how great it was to brainstorm as a group. Peter has a good sense of this world coming together in the set and he had some great ideas about how to deal with all the animals in the play (Milky White, a horse, birds, and a hen). If you've been following the tumbler of inspiration you'll see a bunch of origami animals- Peter had this great idea about transforming the flatness of the set into origami creatures.
Probably nothing but the birds will actually be true origami but I think that constructing the cow horse and hen could be really fun for a group of students (set design or maybe even my sculpture class now that I've seen my class list!)

Also. I made a fancy list to talk to John about.