Hi there!
I'm keeping this blog to share my design work and process for the Fall Production of Into the Woods at The Park School where I teach in the Visual Art Department.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

old growth forest in british columbia

While Mr Tillman and I were on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia we had the chance to stop by a park that featured some old growth forest. Absolutely amazing AND shockingly like my drawings for the set.
It's hard to see in this image but you have to look up to see the tops of the trees. From here they're just big verticals.

Nurse log (in the forest- not the sculpture garden!)
Most trees had this beautiful green moss covering many of their branches. This is the feel that I want for ACT Two.
See all that growth around the base of the tree? That's what I'm thinking about for the foam bases of the trees.